iOS 7 was just released for developers in the form of Beta version , so the normal people couldn't get the taste of this fairly newly designed OS but Cydia Developer has released a Winterboard theme that changes the icons of your springboard to iOS 7 ones , it's pretty good but you don't get the full iOS 7 experience only the icons changes , But it looks pretty good for a winterboard theme, but if you want the iOS 7 lockscreen you can download iOS 7 lockscreen form the Bigboss repo , iOS 7 theme is available for no cost on ZodTTD & MacCiti repo.
Also Read : iOS 7 Launched : All you need to know about it !
To get the notification similar to iOS 7 download fast Blurred noftification Center from Patrickmuff repo
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So things you need to make your phone Look Alike iOS 7 are iOS 7 theme from MacCiti repo , iOS 7 lockscreen theme from BigBoss repo , Fast Blurred Notification for Patrickmuff repo , You need a Jailbroken device for this and Winterboard for this .
I have tested all the three tweaks on iPod Touch 4th Generation and iPhone 4S.

Also Read : Windows 8 theme for iPhone and iPod
Image and video credits iDownloadBlog 


  1. Apple already changed everything with the release of all new iOS 10 for public. Apple is preparing to launch iOS 10, and they have released iOS 10 Beta 6 Download for developers and non-developers.


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