All of us had our hands crossed for one of the most anticipated games, GTA V. I still remember the day I saw the trailer and was extremely excited. The trailer was itself so interesting that I can definitely say that it was better than the entire Twilight series, actually everything is better than twilight so I will say that twilight was 1% of what the trailer was.

The game has like everything in it. Like earlier games, it has cars and bikes and many other vehicles but this time they are so well designed and detailed that you actually fall in love with the vehicles and keep on driving them. All the vehicles are have different sounds, different features like interior lights and ABS. Try using an old car in the game and the engine feels as it really is old and cranky. Moreover if you modify your car by spending a lot then people take photos and comment on your car.

There are animals - dogs, cats, deers, etc which can be hunted. This is what I call perfection. I also saw a screenshot showing two dogs having sexual intercourse which I think is something more than perfection.

Weather and environment has also been there in earlier games, however in this one they have taken it to the next level by adding some more effects to it including a thunderstorm, which actually features a thunder crashing on the ground.

If you shave your head bald or shave your beard then you eventually hair starts growing without much hassle. Also if you buy flip flops and wear them they actually flop around as you move, just like in real life.

One more thing which seemed ultra real was some of the girls in the parties going on in the Vinewood mansion are topless. And if you take a photo of them, their boy-friends are likely to hit you and start a conflict.


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