Shakespeare himself has said 'What's in a name?'. This question of him made me explore into the Windows Unicode Structure. This exploring let to this trick.

This is a new folder -

This is after naming -

Take a look at the first folder. You will notice that the folder has no name, it is blank. This isn't any magic of photoshop. It's a simple trick, which includes inserting a unicode in the name. The unicode has no impression on it, thus the name appears to be blank, but its actually not.

How to do that - 
  1. Make a New Folder/Locate the folder you want to try this on
  2. Rename the folder
  3. Delete every letter in the name
  4. Now Holding the 'Alt' key press the four numbers '0160'
  5. Now release the the 'Alt' key
  6. You will notice that the folder has a Blank Name


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